Parad is0 de Salud López/Cia Octubre. Fotos y vídeo:Rita Paz. A Posthumancorporealities, Universidade Aberta (Lisboa 2014)
Creation Parad is0, no hay billetes (Estreno y obra en proceso).Colaboración con la Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales de la Junta de Andalucía, para la creación de la obra “Paraíso”-"Parad is o , no hay billetes.
Notas Biográficas
Salud López develops dance activity in various areas. Directs the contemporary dance company (Octubredanza) since 1990. In 2005 the company created Corporate Sevilla Dance. Her choreographic collaborations include prominent artists, such as, Andrés Marín, Israel Galván, and the Northern Stage Company of Newcastle. López is the artistic director and responsible of Project Endanza Lugar de Creación (Seville 2000), supporting companies, groups and agencies in the creation and dissemination of performance projects, as the international program Mira! (Culture 2000). “Proyecto Paso”, reflects upon the Declaration of Human Rights. On a pedagogical strand, Lopez set the Master of the Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London, was coordinator at Centro de Actividades Flamencas Mario Maya (1996-1998). Founder of the Association of friends and dance professionals, organizer of the Forum for the Development of Dance in Andalusia (2006) and developed research "New sources for improving the quality of employment and employability of workers in the field of dance." López is currently director of PistaDigital and award "Creativa" (2007). Graduated in Philosophy and Educational Sciences, University of Seville, and studied in other national and international schools and companies.
Provides training in dance in Spain and abroad. Presently López directs LaboratorioSLD, and creates the performance “Parad is0, no hay billetes”.,
--------------------La pensée en mouvement en « Tierra de nadie »
De no man's land à-nomal nomade.
Expérience pédagogique en création.
Plus d'information
Laboratorio SLD